Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Krystals Daily Entry

today we did gymnastics unfortunately my teacher forgot to take the camera but she will hopefully remember to bring it another time.
Today in maths we did a summery of what we have done in place value and then we did some work for a abacus on the board!!!
Then after morning tea we did a story of what we like to do or our favorite food etc.
After we had done some of it we had to rush from our class to the bus.The teacher got us to ack like solders going to our buss(but most of us ran so we could get our favorite seats)At gym we did fount supports. Back supports etc. We also jumped into the pit that is most of ours favorite activity in gym.
After lunch we played a few games we played a game called if you love me honey give me a smile. and we also played I said a boom chicka boom boom,we all played and had a really fun times.
Thank you for reading My daily entry
Bye Bye!!!
P.s the picture up there is Me

1 comment:

  1. hey Krystal,
    I love reading your daily entry it tells the readers heaps about what we have been doing and it doesn't get boring!
    you are awesome at writing a daily entry keep it up!
    From Tori.S
